Column by Manning Pastor Sam Livingston: Retirement


The American dream is to work hard and retire comfortably. This can be a simple task or a very difficult one based on how the candidate plans and executes. The idea is to build a pretty nest egg of financial investments that will yield a high return. If the plan is executed correctly, the candidate will live a relaxing life after working to reach retirement status.

What's great about preparing for the future retirement years is the fact that there are thousands of proven ways to save. Some invest in stocks and bonds, gold, silver, real estate or other commodities. Some people just reacted at the right time to a golden opportunity. Preparing for retirement is all about careful investigation of the market and ones willingness to take risks. It takes patience to build a retirement purse. The portfolio may consist of short- and long-term investments, but mostly long term. Regardless of the financial vehicles used to reach your goal to live a happy retirement life, it will never happen without sowing money into a fund. I pray that you are having or will have a wonderful retirement after decades of hard work.

Christianity, however, is not like an occupation. We can never retire from being a disciple for Christ. We must follow Jesus' lead and work until the end of time or life, whichever comes first. Jesus worked his ministry until just hours before his death. His body had been badly beaten, he had lost a substantial amount of blood, and his garment had been ripped off him. He had every reason to complain, give up and throw in the towel. Jesus instead did one of the most remarkable things known to humanity.

Luke 23:39-43 And one of the malefactors which were hanged railed on him, saying, If thou be Christ, save thyself and us.

40 But the other answering rebuked him, saying, Dost not thou fear God, seeing thou art in the same condemnation?

41 And we indeed justly; for we receive the due reward of our deeds: but this man hath done nothing amiss.

42 And he said unto Jesus, Lord, remember me when thou comest into thy kingdom.

43 And Jesus said unto him, Verily I say unto thee, Today shalt thou be with me in paradise.

In the midst of being ridiculed, laughed at and mocked, Jesus did not retire from his ministerial assignments. With very little breath left in his body, he delivered his final plan of salvation to the lost, and the thief on the right was saved and forgiven of his sins.

Perhaps you have been commissioned through salvation as a Christian for 70 years now. Does this mean that you can walk away from your ministerial calling? The answer is NO! If you can no longer usher at the door, you can still talk to the younger generation about life after death. You can still prepare packets to hand out at the park or local events. If you are unable to drive, deputize your grandchildren to take you to McDonalds. Buy them a meal and wait on the Lord to direct you on who to minister to. I know that in a lot of fellowships the older generation is being asked to give others an opportunity to serve. This is not the end of your ministry, but the beginning of another. If we are obedient, God can use us in so many other key positions in ministry. Allow the Lord to be creative with you today. He still has work for you to do. You will never be too old for the Lord to use you!

Whatever you do today, please do not retire from mission work. The Lord needs you.

In God We Trust

Sam Livingston is pastor of Antioch Missionary Baptist Church in Manning.