Clarendon County Fire Rescue: Remember safety when heating your home


CLARENDON COUNTY - Cold or cooler weather may be just around the corner, but before you get too warm, cozy and comfortable, make sure you are safe.

Half of all home heating fires occur in December, January and February. One in every seven home fires and one in every five home fire deaths involves heating equipment.

Following these tips before and during cold weather will help ensure a more safe, comfortable, warm and cozy winter.

Portable Heating Safety

- Place space heaters on solid, flat surfaces.

- Keep them at least three feet from anything that burns.

- Be sure your heater power cords and plugs are not cracked or damaged.

- Plug heaters directly into wall outlets and not into extension cords or power strips.

- Make sure a recognized testing laboratory has tested your heater.

- The heater should have an automatic shut-off, so if it tips over, it shuts off.

- Turn heaters off when you go to bed or leave the room.

- Always use the proper fuel for your heater.

- Refuel the heater outside once it has cooled.

Home Heating Safety

- Use a glass or metal screen in front of the fireplace to prevent sparks or embers from jumping out.

- Do not burn paper in your fireplace.

- Put the fire out before you sleep or leave the house.

- Put ashes in a metal container with a lid outside, at least 10 feet from your home.

- Make sure anything that can burn is 3 feet away from fireplaces, wood stoves, radiators, candles or other heat sources.

- Have your chimney and furnace inspected and/or cleaned every year by professionals.

- Never heat a home by using the stovetop or oven.

Carbon Monoxide Safety

- Carbon Monoxide or CO is colorless and odorless. Install and maintain CO alarms inside your home to provide early warning.

- Install CO alarms in a central location outside each separate sleeping area and on every level of your home.

- Use portable generators outdoors in well-ventilated areas away from all doors, windows and vents.

- Make sure all fuel-burning appliances are working correctly.

- Vents for the dryer, furnace, stove and fireplace should be maintained clear of snow and other debris.

For more on this and other Fire and Life Safety messages, visit: