Readers will find all election coverage needed in The Sumter Item and Impact


Election season is just around the corner, and The Item is committed to keeping you informed about the races and issues on the ballot.

Studies show that the presence of local news means, among other things, that more people vote in local elections. We think that's important, and while the presidential election will get most of the national headlines, we'll focus more on the races closer to home that help shape our communities.

Subscribers to The Item will receive a comprehensive Voter's Guide prior to the election, which will include everything you need to know about candidates and local races before you head to the voting booth. If you are not a subscriber to The Item, upcoming editions of this free, monthly publication - The Sumter Item Impact - will include things you need to know as well.

Many communities similar to Sumter across America will not be so lucky. Thousands of newspapers have closed in recent years, while others struggle to employ local journalists. The absence of local news is causing great harm to those communities, and I'm fearful that another election cycle without local journalists asking questions and providing a degree of oversight will only amplify those issues in news-less communities.

If you are a subscriber to The Item, I'm sure you occasionally see an article that frustrates you or that you think we could've done better in presenting the information. Sometimes, I agree with a reader who says such things, and we're used to being scrutinized in a public-facing profession.

However, in this election season, don't let human imperfection overshadow that fact that we have a community-based newspaper in Sumter. We have a talented, passionate team of local journalists committed to adding value to our communities.

If you value being informed about topics close to home, there are a few ways you can help ensure Sumter has local news for years and decades to come. First, subscribe to The Item, and second, tell a friend or family member about us and why you think our continuation is important.

We exist to serve our readers and advertisers, and our existence is important to those we serve. I hope you feel informed this election season.