As candidates work to keep their names on the ballots at both the local and state levels ahead of the primaries, locals may see an increase in political signage throughout the area.
Did you know that the City of Sumter and Sumter County have regulations regarding the placement of political signage? It is common for municipalities to regulate these for aesthetic, environmental and safety purposes. The main restriction to keep in mind is that signage is not allowed in public rights-of-way.
Sumter County
These political sign regulations, according to public documents, are put in place so that "Sumter County is protected against inordinate sign clutter, and not deteriorated or abandoned signs that detract from the appearance of the community."
Here are the regulations:
- Signage must not exceed 32 square feet.
- Signage put up for a specific election or referendum may be put up no more than 90 days prior to that polling date and must be removed no later than 15 days after that date.
- No deteriorated signage.
And here are some dates to keep in mind:
- For the June 11 primary elections, sign removal is required on or before Wednesday, June 26.
- Candidates involved in a primary run-off must remove signs no later than 15 days after the scheduled run-off election date.
- For the Nov. 5 general elections, sign placement is allowed on or after Wednesday, Aug. 7.
- Removal must be on or before Wednesday, Nov. 20.
It is prohibited to place signage on private property you don't own, and it is also prohibited to remove signage from private property you don't own.
City of Sumter
The City of Sumter's regulations on political signage are similar but not identical to those listed in the county's code of ordinances.
Here are the regulations:
- Signs placed on a lot zoned agricultural or industrial may not exceed 32 square feet.
- Signs placed on a lot zoned commercial may not exceed 16 square feet.
- Signs placed on a lot zoned residential or conservation preservation may not exceed 6 square feet.
- Signs may not be placed on any lot prior to 60 days before the designated date of election and must be removed no later than 15 days following the designated date of election.
Here are dates to keep in mind:
- For the June 11 primary elections, sign removal is required on or before Wednesday, June 26.
- Candidates involved in a primary election run-off must remove signs no later than 15 days after the scheduled run-off election date.
- For the Nov. 5 general elections, placement is allowed on or after Friday, Sept. 6, and must be removed on or before Wednesday, Nov. 20.
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