'Make him proud': Sumter Kiwanis Club to celebrate 10th year of Maj. Gen. Tom Olsen's memorial golf tournament


The late Maj. Gen. Tom Olsen was the kind of man whose presence commanded attention - not because he asked for it but because he never had to.

While he was a two-star general with 42 years of military service, those who knew him best would contest that what made Olsen stand out wasn't the rank on his shoulder - it was his heart.

"When I first married him, some of my friends were actually kind of scared of him because they had never been around a general before," said Jackie Olsen, wife of the decorated general, with laughter. "They would ask me, 'Well, what do I call him?' I said, 'You can just call him Tom,' and they said, 'Oh no, I can't do that.' So when they would introduce themselves to Tom, they would call him Gen. Olsen, and he was like, 'My name is Tom'."

In a world where titles and achievements often precede a person's character, Olsen was a rare exception. Described as a "giant Teddy bear," he was as comfortable in the Sumter community as he had been on any battlefield. When he retired from the military, Olsen "shed his military skin," as Jackie said, and threw himself into local life with the same dedication and passion that had defined his military career. And one organization he chose to share such qualities with was the Kiwanis Club of Sumter.

Olsen's involvement in the Kiwanis Club wasn't a casual membership. He approached it with sharp focus and eager engagement.

"He was not a sideline person; he wanted to be engaged in the church, in the community, in the workings of the city and even the county," Jackie said.

Which is how Vicki Singleton, a fellow Kiwanian, became a member. While making his rounds when chairman of the Tuomey Foundation years ago, he popped into her office - as he did routinely, whether to talk about work or to ensure she was having a great day - and he asked if he would see her, a non-member at the time, at the upcoming Kiwanis meeting. It was known that no one could say no to Olsen, and not out of fear but pure respect and admiration.

"I've been a Kiwanian ever since," Singleton said. "He was a Kiwanian through and through…He always encouraged people to better themselves, to move beyond your own expectations. That's what he wanted people to do."

It's that spirit - humble, steadfast and service-driven - that the Maj. Gen. Tom Olsen Memorial Golf Tournament seeks to honor. This year, the tournament marks its 10th anniversary, not only as a fundraiser for the local Kiwanis Club, but also as a tribute to a man who believed in lifting up his community.

"We renamed the tournament after him in 2013, and he was present during that tournament," Singleton said. The renaming of the tournament was to honor Olsen for the service he devoted to the community, the support and love he poured into each member of Kiwanis and his mission to uphold what Kiwanis stands for.

"Our main mission as Kiwanis is to serve the children. When we have this tournament, the proceeds from that tournament goes into our fundraising account, which is used to help where the biggest need is for the children in our area," Singleton said.

It's that same energy that Kiwanis Club hopes to recapture as they celebrate the tournament's 10th anniversary. After cancellations because of hurricane scares and other challenges in recent years, the 2024 event is committed to being a revival of the tournament's early glory. Organizers are working hard to ensure the day is not only fun, but also deeply meaningful - a reflection of the man it honors.

"I really want it to be the way it used to be," Singleton explained. "We are not just celebrating the success of Kiwanis and the tournament and all the children that we can help, all the different places where all the money raised will go and help people in our community. But we want to celebrate Gen. Olsen's memory as well and share those with each other."

At this year's tournament, participants can expect a lively day, complete with breakfast, lunch, drinks and competitions like the longest drive and closest to the pin. Beyond the door prizes and camaraderie, there will be moments of reflection - shared stories, laughter, maybe even a few tears as friends and family celebrate Olsen's enduring impact.

"I just consider it such an honor that they continue to do this and everything that's done to carry on his legacy. For people to remember him for who he was and what he did for our city and county and our state," Jackie expressed.

"We want to make him proud this year," Singleton expressed through a smile.

And for those who knew him, that's more than enough reason to keep swinging.

Kiwanis will host the Maj. Gen. Tom Olsen Memorial Golf Tournament on Friday, Sept. 20, at The Links at Lakewood, at 3600 Green View Parkway. Shotgun start is at 9 a.m. Those interested can sign up as an individual player for $60, as a four-player team for $240 or as a tee sponsor for $100. There is also an option to donate without having to play. Mulligans are included in registration, Singleton said.

Registration and sponsorships are still open. For more information, contact Bill Hodge at (803) 795-9299, (803) 717-6575 or email william.h.hodge@gmail.com.
