Letter to the editor: Let Sumter decide: A call for an open debate


As a resident of Sumter for the past four years, I'm deeply concerned about the direction our city is heading. Crime is on the rise, drugs are becoming more widespread, and we're seeing multiple murders each week. What's even more alarming is the list of missing people that seems to be ignored. These are serious issues that can't be brushed aside any longer.

During the current mayor's term, I haven't seen the leadership or action that Sumter needs to face these challenges head-on. With the upcoming election, we have a chance to make an informed decision about who will lead our city, but to do that, we need to hear directly from the candidates.

I believe it's essential for the current mayor and all three candidates running for office to participate in a public debate. This would give them the opportunity to clearly lay out their plans for addressing the critical issues facing Sumter. The current mayor should also explain what he's done during his time in office and why he deserves another term.

The people of Sumter deserve transparency and a clear understanding of where their leaders stand. We need to hear how each candidate plans to address crime, manage our tax dollars and create a better future for our community. A debate would give voters the chance to ask important questions and hold candidates accountable.

I urge our local media and city leaders to organize this debate. It's time for the people of Sumter to hear directly from those seeking to represent them and make an informed decision about the future of our city.


