Letter to the editor: Delegation violating rights ahead of November election


As we approach the November 2024 election, the Lee County Board of Voter Registration and Elections is vacant at least one member. As prescribed by South Carolina State Code Section 7-5-10, at least one appointee shall be a member of the majority and minority political parties represented in the General Assembly. The Lee County Republican Party presented a request over two years ago of a slate of members to the local legislative delegation to select from. The delegation has not to date selected a Republican appointee.

The delegation consists of three Democrats, Sens. Gerald Malloy (22 years in office), Thomas McEveen (lame duck) and Rep. Will Wheeler. In my opinion, the delegation is violating the civil rights of the citizens by oath they represent. The delegation has abdicated the duty of basic election governance. The delegation appears to be dysfunctional and cannot provide the community leadership they were elected to exercise. How many economic and other opportunities have Lee, Sumter, Darlington, Richland, Chesterfield, Marlboro and Kershaw counties missed?

Lee County ranks number 42 of the 46 counties in many statistics. It has lost 15% of its population in the last 15 years. Strong, effective leadership from all governmental bodies is required to turn trends to the positive balance sheet we expect of a strong, proud South Carolina.

In November, we have two outstanding citizens who are willing to provide leadership in the South Carolina Senate, providing the right direction and sense of urgency and unity for the entire communities they represent. J.D. Chaplin Senate 29 and Mike Jones Senate 35 need your vote!



Lee County Republican Party

