Letter to the editor: Students' actions on college campuses have consequences


Colleges are supposed to be about education, personal growth, making decisions without parental guidance, exploring, challenging and asking questions about the world around you and the studies you take. It's also about debating differing opinions, learning to reason and do problem solving. In addition, it should be about embracing cultural differences and becoming your own individual.

Ivy League colleges have long been overrated, and the cracks in their foundation are starting to swell.

Everyone is granted "freedom of speech" by our First Amendment, but when you take a campus hostage, you scuffle with law enforcement and campus security, when you set things on fire, destroy property and spit on people, those are not "speech" but "actions," and actions have consequences. This should be the first lesson to these students and protesters. An appropriate action would be to take away their scholarships, put them on probation or even expel them. If students are from other countries, they should be deported home and all visas revoked. There should be absolutely no one on a campus that does not have a connection or business with the college. Leadership that does not take immediate action against such uprisings should be sent packing. Negotiating with students is a ridiculous action; who exactly is in charge?

No student should feel unsafe or have their education interrupted, especially when there are so many who would love to go to college for education and will never afford that opportunity while these students squander the privilege. Once again a few ruin it for everyone else.

All public funding should cease, and if demonstrations continue, colleges should be shuttered.

If these students don't think their actions have put their college reputations and their future job search in jeopardy, then they are about to experience another life lesson.

