Woman charged in drunk driving killing of bride in South Carolina seeks bond


COLUMBIA (AP) — Defense attorneys are seeking bond for an alleged drunken driver who police say slammed into newlyweds riding along a South Carolina beach road, killing the bride.
Jamie Komoroski's attorneys filed a motion last week that says she poses no flight risk or danger to the community, news outlets reported. It requested bond be set at $100,000 with conditions that include attending an inpatient rehabilitation program, remaining supervised by her mother and having no access to a vehicle or alcohol.
Komoroski, 25, was charged with vehicular homicide and three counts of felony DUI resulting in great bodily injury in the April 28 crash at Folly Beach that killed Samantha Miller, 34, and injured the groom, Aric Hutchinson. A toxicology report showed Komoroski had a blood alcohol level of 0.261 and authorities have said she was driving well over twice the speed limit when she slammed into the back of a golf cart as it left the wedding reception.
"The personal characteristics of Jamie Lee Komoroski, coupled with her strong family support and ties to the community, heavily counsel in favor of her release from custody," the motion said.
It also stated that Komoroski has struggled for years with alcohol dependence, depression and anxiety.
"Jamie, with the support of her family, is committed and prepared to engage in intense, inpatient substance abuse and mental health rehabilitation immediately upon her release," the motion says.
