Letter: Thank you to voters for re-electing county council chairman


Please allow me this opportunity to thank the voters of Sumter County Council District 6 for entrusting me to continue serving as your county council member and chairman of Sumter County Council for the next four years. As your council member, I am committed to continuing to be accessible to all my constituents, helping to address blight, infrastructure and basic service needs.

As your council member, I am committed to continuing to be available to all my constituents, meeting with you individually or collectively to address our community needs, and working diligently to find solutions.

As your council member, I am committed to continuing to be accountable to all my constituents and prepared to justify or explain my action or position on an issue pertaining to District 6. I will continue to advocate for grant funds to assist with the removal of dilapidated structures and overgrown lots and continue to be instrumental in having roads and streets re-surfaced by SCDOT in Council District 6.

As always, I am honored to serve and represent all of the citizens in County Council District 6, and I am committed to remaining accessible, available and accountable to ALL of my constituents. Again, thank you for re-electing me on June 14, 2022, to continue serving as your county council member, representing Council District 6.


Sumter County Council District 6