Letter to the editor: Support Disney for Area 9 school board representative


I encourage Area 9 residents to support Ms. Bonnie Disney and her candidacy to the Sumter School District Board. Her credentials are impressive. She currently serves our school district as the Area 9 representative. In fact, she serves as board chair, after assuming this key leadership role following the honorable Rev. Canty's decision to resign this position earlier in the year. Throughout Ms. Disney's career, she has served our children as a teacher, S.C. State Board of Education member and teacher consultant for various school districts.

In addition to her distinguished career as an educator, she is respected for her passion in providing our children the highest quality education possible. I know her to conduct herself at the highest ethical standard, regardless of the challenge. We need Ms. Disney on our school district board. She offers a proven commitment to serve our children and community for the betterment of all.

VOTE Bonnie Disney for your Area 9 Sumter school board representative!

K. PriVette

