Sumter's Shot Pouch Greenway recognized by explorer Mullikin of South Carolina 7


Shot Pouch Greenway, the more than 3-mile paved pedestrian trail running from Dillon Park to Swan Lake Iris Gardens, was a $4 million project made possible through a previous Penny for Progress initiative and had a grand opening at the very beginning of 2023.

The scenic path is continuing to make a name for itself since a visit from Tom Mullikin of the South Carolina Seven (SC7) organization on Tuesday, May 7. SC7, according to its website, is a partnership between two nonprofits: Global Eco Adventures and the South Carolina National Heritage Corridor. Its mission is to encourage outdoor adventure and conservation.

"The South Carolina Seven (SC7) expedition will not only provide us with an opportunity to explore some of the most uniquely beautiful places on earth right here in South Carolina, but it will bring attention to - and create international awareness of - the natural treasures our state has to offer," Mullikin is quoted saying on the website. "Further, the SC7 adventure will serve as the perfect stage to highlight how South Carolina is leading the way in developing and advancing resiliency strategies to address adverse weather from a changing climate. This is key."

When Mullikin visited Sumter's Shot Pouch Greenway, he and a group, including government officials and members of the public, walked from the part of the trail that starts near the YMCA to where it curves around Swan Lake Iris Gardens.

More information will soon become available on this, but SC7 visited Sumter's greenway to prepare for including it in the organization's annual adventure event celebrating South Carolina's beauty.

"The signature event of SC7 is a 30-day expedition across South Carolina in July and led by world-renowned explorer and South Carolina native Tom Mullikin. Following the Palmetto Trail as the guiding pathway from the mountains to the sea, the annual expedition highlights the 'CAROLINA 7' - so named for the seven geographic wonders unique to the Palmetto State," the website reads. "Along the SC7 2023 route, the expedition team will hold large-scale public events, media events, 'Lunch & Learns,' the 'Adventure Out' weekend in Charleston and a Finish Line Celebration."
