Sumter native Rep. Clyburn elected to majority whip job

U.S. House’s unanimous vote in 116th Congress gives him post


The Clarendon County native who represents his hometown, Sumter and 14 other counties in the 6th Congressional District is again the third-highest-ranking member of the U.S. House of Representatives.

James E. Clyburn was unanimously elected majority whip in the 116th Congress, a position that is only behind the majority leader and speaker in the House, and said afterward in a statement he appreciates the support of the Democratic Caucus and understands the "challenges and opportunities that lie ahead."

"As I said to my colleagues today, America is already a great country; our challenge is to make its greatness apply fairly and equitably to all of its people," Clyburn said in the statement. "As the only member of elected leadership from a red state and largely rural district, I will work tirelessly to be a voice for the millions of Americans who feel left out and communities that are too often left behind."

His job as whip in the newly reclaimed Democratic House majority is to maintain communication between party leadership and members and to support and urge votes according to official party position.

In the November midterm general election, Clyburn, who was first elected to Congress in 1993, secured 70.5 percent of the vote in the 6th District. He served previously as majority whip from 2007-2011 and was most recently the U.S. House assistant Democratic leader.

He was nominated to reclaim the whip position by Congressman G.K. Butterfield, NC-01, and Congressman Cedric Richmond, LA-02. The nomination was seconded by Congresswoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz, FL-23, Congressman Dan Kildee, MI-05, and Congresswoman-Elect Lucy McBath, GA-06.

"I am committed to staying connected to all of our caucuses and regions and building a whip operation that is reflective of the diversity of our caucus and that empowers a new generation of members to have a voice in our legislative process," he said in the statement.
