Letter to the editor: Rep. Smith is too good a statesman to endorse Trump


South Carolina speaker of the House Rep. Murrell Smith Jr. endorses Former President Donald J. Trump in an article written on Aug. 4, 2023. The only word that comes to my mind is "wow." This is how far we as a country have gone. Donald J. Trump is clearly the ultimate puppet master. He is "The Liar in Chief." He is controlling the entire Republican Party. He just tricked and duped one of the greatest minds in the state of South Carolina, which is the current South Carolina Speaker of the House - "The Honorable Rep. Murrell Smith Jr."

Rep. Smith is a good person and a very fine lawyer. He has done great things for Sumter County and the entire state of South Carolina. He is an awesome statesman in his own right. Rep. Smith is playing chess to keep his speakership. He made a sacrifice for a greater counter move. Perhaps he is eyeing the governorship and not just holding onto his speakership.

Rep. Smith is a lawyer, and I can't believe he really wants to support the 45th president of the United States. How can he support someone who does not believe in the rule of law? How can he support someone who does not abide by the Constitution? How can he support someone who attempted a hostile takeover of the United States? How can he support someone who is a toddler in an old man body? How can he support someone who praises and wants to be a dictator? How can he support someone who is facing criminal charges and daring those who uphold the rule of law to do something about it?

There are so many questions that Rep. Smith must deal with in his heart and mind … or, did he forget that we should be guided by the rule of law, uphold the Constitution and have a conscience to stand for justice and pursuit of happiness. Did he kick the king over on the chess board of America's ideas and values? Did he simply make a politically savvy chess move? There are so many questions.

The admission of supporting Donald J. Trump is more than a sacrificial move, but a total revealing and revelation of a whoop-sided view of what America is all about. Rep. Smith is too brilliant, very witty and awesome legislator. He can't endorse a man who does not believe in justice. He can't endorse a man who does not respect women. He can't endorse a man who does not respect and appreciate the diversity of America. He can't respect a man who called the white nationalists in Charlottesville, Virginia, "good people." Does Rep. Smith believe that the K.K.K. are the best representation of America? I know in my hearts of hearts he does not believe in that America.

In closing, Rep. Murrell Smith Jr. is too smart, brilliant, charming and young man with a lot of hope and downright good-quality human being. To endorse the worst about what America is and those who are trying to turn the clock back, it is not Rep. Murrell Smith. He has done great things for Sumter County and the state of South Carolina. He has helped everyone and not just some. His endorsement of "Trumpism" is fake news. All I can say is "wow."


