Letter to the editor: Only God in His time will give us the help we need


I would like to share a lifetime story about my childhood in Sumter. I was raised until 1949 on Hunter Street. Beside Hunter Street was Laverne Street. This was during the Second World War. There were seven men on both streets to volunteer to serve in this war.

Every week all the families would meet at a family's home. We would eat lunch, socialize and end our time with "Prayers to our God" to end the war and get our Fathers home. We called this "Revival Time." As a 7-year-old, I am convinced God answered our prayers.

My thinking now is why don't we do this now.

In my opinion, it appears to me we're depending on either Political Parties to get our Country back where it should be.

My friends, we need "God," "The Good Master." We need to pray to Him for wisdom and spiritual help. Our political parties won't give this to us; only God, in His time, will give us the help we need.

