Letter to the editor: More members of city, county government should have attended Memorial Day ceremony


My husband and I attended the Memorial Day ceremony at Sumter Veterans Flag Park, as we have every year. Thank you to Col. Bush Hanson and the host of volunteers who helped create such a solemn ceremony. My father and his two brothers served in World War II and, thankfully, were able to return home. Memorial Day honors the ultimate sacrifice made by brave Americans.

However, I am so disappointed that one Sumter County Council member, Eugene Baten, a military veteran, and the city's mayor pro tem were the only members of our city and county government introduced. As integral as Shaw Air Force Base and the Third Army are to the social and economic fabric of our community, it was a sad commentary on the indifference shown by those who should have been there. The men and women of Sumter, who gave their lives in service to our country, deserve better.

