Sumter United Ministries opens winter shelter ahead of the colder weather


As we enter a new year, new changes are taking shape with local nonprofit Sumter United Ministries as it open its emergency winter shelter.

The shelter has been open sooner in previous years, but now a new building is being used, and the finishing touches have just been completed.

At 215 Pine St. near Sumter's Riley Park, the shelter is open when the temperature drops below 40 degrees from 7 p.m. to 7 a.m. According to Shelter Director Mark Champagne, this shelter's primary goal is to get Sumterites out of the cold.

"We really want to encourage people to get into the regular shelters so we can actually help them get out of the woods and off the streets and things like that, but there's some people that won't come in, so at least we open that up just to get them out of the cold for overnight, and then hopefully, we can connect with them there and maybe encourage them to come to the other shelter, but if not, then you have to just come in at 7 [p.m.] and they leave at 7 [a.m.]," Champagne said.

SUM's other shelter, which is open 365 days of the year, still has space to spare as of Thursday, Jan. 2, according to Champagne. Because its location is "out of the way," the address is not advertised, but anyone seeking more permanent shelter can call the shelter at (803) 775-0024 to ensure there is room available before making the trek.

As for SUM's new shelters and tiny homes which have been in the works for a few years now, Champagne said the new buildings are nearing completion but still need some work on the parking lot and sprinkler systems. As of now, there is not a projected date for the new shelters' completion.

SUM also provides assistance to those who need heat in their homes as the weather gets colder. Those in need can visit SUM's main office at 36 Artillery Drive from Monday to Thursday, 9 a.m. to 1 p.m., though Champagne emphasized arriving early to make sure you are seen.

SUM is always in need of monetary or food donations. Visit the organization's website at to donate or drop a check off in person at SUM's main office. Food items are also always needed for SUM's food pantry. Nonperishable goods such as powdered milk and canned meats are ideal, and the ministry also always appreciates bread.

Alongside goods and monetary donations, the ministry needs aid itself in the form of volunteers.

"I mean, it just takes a lot with everything now," Champagne said. "We need volunteers to work in our food and clothing ministry."

Champagne added the ministry also needs roof and ramp builders and can use anyone who is willing to help.
