Living on Purpose: God's love is waiting for our love


No matter what the negative naysayers declare about the absence of the love of God, do not allow these dark imaginations to be absorbed into your conscience. Let us accept the fact that after God created the heavens and the earth and everything in it, the Almighty keeps repeating, "And God saw that it was good." He passionately loved everything He made and still does. Take a moment and read the first chapter of Genesis for yourself. Allow these words to saturate your soul as you realize He is also talking about you. He created you as one of His finest masterpieces, and for you to not embrace how special and adored you are means you are refusing to accept spiritual reality.

I want to encourage you today and remind you how highly God thinks of you. Since He is infinite and knows everything that has happened and will happen, consider that He knew and loved you millions of years ago and knows where you will be millions of years from now. You see, just like a master sculptor, He has been shaping and guiding your steps because He always has your best interest in mind. This includes a unique and perfect plan for you that is filled with hope and peace. You were not made with a cookie cutter on some cosmic assembly line; you are a custom, handcrafted, one-of-a-kind individual who God proclaims is wonderfully made, and there will never be anyone exactly like you.

These truths are eternal, and what God has promised no one has the power to prevent. His word is His will, the absolute way, the truth and the life that gives us the vision and strength to keep walking forward in faith. It's when we begin to doubt that God is with us or is listening to our cries that we drift into fear and sadness. With all the blessings and covenant assurances Jesus has given to us, He will not force us to walk in the brilliant light of His presence. He will not make us worship and praise Him or push us down on our knees to cry out to Him. He compels and draws us to come closer, but it is our free-will decision to choose how much of His grace we want. He is patient and kind, but within the dynamics of a potential personal relationship with us, He desires and requires for us to love Him enough to do what He says.

When we become desperate to find answers and solutions to our problems, we are usually focused on two things: our misery and how the damage can be fixed. Our mind has secret ideas that if we can find the right person to confide in, they will have the key that can unlock our frustration and misery and take care of our situation. I understand the human practical reasoning, but we often leave out the most important factor, which is listening to God's thoughts and obeying Him. Most of the time our lack of communicating with Him is what caused our mess in the first place. This is where the lessons of life can be an opportunity to learn and develop spiritual maturity, or we can continue on the merry-go-round of defeat and continue in the independent cycle of rebellion.

Because God created humans, He is the one who knows exactly how we are inside and out. He is never surprised by how we think or what we do. I say this because we are often under the impression that we are getting away with something or sneaking behind His back. He is fully aware of what our motives are and whether we just want a quick miracle to relieve our situation or if we have a sincere and aggressive determination to change the way we are living. Yes, you are correct, He already knows our decision. I understand we do not want to hear about our weaknesses and carnality, but He's not interested in playing games or anyone seeing Him as a genie in a lamp. To accept God's love makes us feel secure, but doing what He says proves how much we love Him. "Father, I pray for everyone reading this, give them discernment and reveal how you are waiting for their love. We repent for our lukewarmness. Stir a brokenness and conviction within us to find a quiet, secret place to pray and worship you today. Amen."

Dr. Holland is a minister, chaplain, and author. Read more about the Christian life at
