Current Sumter County job statistics


Long considered a manufacturing community, Sumter County's concentration of manufacturing jobs is 17.2%, well above state and national averages. Health care and social assistance, retail, accommodation and food services, construction and education round out the top industry sectors in the county. Active-duty military are not included in employment statistics. The listing here is jobs within Sumter County and not necessarily where the worker might live. "Hot jobs," or in-demand jobs with above-average wages, between 2020 and 2030 in the state include technical positions in manufacturing and numerous health care occupations and are also listed below. Some technical and health care positions are also "hot jobs" for Sumter County.


Manufacturing, 6,7031, 7.2%

Health care/social assistance, 5,659, 14.5%

Retail trade, 4,734, 12.1%

Accommodation/food services, 3,616, 9.3%

Construction, 3,000, 7.7%

Educational services, 2,991, 7.7%

Public administration (govt), 2,408, 6.2%

Administrative/waste services, 2,246, 5.8%

Other services (except public admin), 2,132, 5.5%

Professional/technical services, 1,129, 2.9%

Transportation/warehousing, 1,113, 2.9%


Wholesale trade, 736, 1.9%

Agriculture, forestry, fishing, hunting, 423, 1.1%

Arts, entertainment, recreation, 374, 1.0%

Real estate and rental/leasing, 298, 0.8%

Information, 251, 0.6%

Management, companies/enterprises, 214, 0.1%

Utilities, 135, 0.1%

TOTAL, *39,036

* Does not include active-duty military at Shaw Air Force Base

"Hot jobs" in S.C.


Industry machinery mechanics

Self-enrichment education teachers

Chefs and head cooks

Multiple machine tool setters and operators

Physical therapist assistants

Respiratory therapists

Aircraft mechanics and service technicians

Dental hygienists

Nurse practitioners

Physician assistants

Information security analysts


Source: 2023, Quarterly Census of Employment and Wages, U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics and S.C. Department of Employment and Workforce
