Club Digest: June 5, 2024


The Sumter Art Association

President Kathy Creech welcomed 53 members to the final meeting of the Sumter Art Association for 2023-24 which was held at the parish hall of The Church of the Holy Comforter on May 21, 2024. Special guests were newly elected members Mary Byrd, Jackie Davis, Katherine Frerichs, Barbara Finley, Harriet Lowder, Nancy McCreight, Meg Player, Debbie Shelley, Hamilton Stoddard and Kathryn Williams.

Chaplin Ginger Jones read a poem titled "Holes." She explained how our Lord is ready, willing and able to help us. We should show our gratitude by telling others of His love.

Debbie Thomas reported on a number of cultural events currently available in the greater Sumter area.

During a brief business meeting, Floride McCoy installed officers for 2024-25. They are Karen Ingram, president; Kathy Creech, vice president; Macy Terry, recording secretary; Patti Sosnowski, corresponding secretary; and Becky Lee, treasurer.

Janice Stavrou introduced Dotty Kolb, who presented a program on Tips on Flower Arranging. She explained the use of small storage bags with sliders for small potted plants when used in making an arrangement. Dotty also emphasized that all flower arrangements should include something white or yellow in them. She demonstrated these tips while making several different kinds of beautiful arrangements.

After the program, Kathy Creech passed the gavel to incoming president Karen Ingram. Karen, along with Carla Young, presented Kathy with a gift as a token of appreciation for her service to our association.

Following adjournment, members enjoyed refreshments provided by the hostess committee. Chairperson was Kathy Ardis. Nancy Thompson served as co-chair. They were assisted by committee members Kipper Ackerman, Heidi Burkett, Vicki Goodwin, Betsy Lynch, Virginia Ann McLaurin, Debbie Thomas and Anne Walton. The flowers were provided by Janice Stavrou.