City of Sumter "slow rolls" yard debris pickup at 209 Crescent Ave. This job has been extended to make debris removal take longer than necessary. Unused empty space was left unfilled on the Thursday, Sept. 21, 2023, pickup trailer. This space was apparently not available for loading a second pile of yard debris. I was previously informed by the city that Friday was reserved for pickup of overflow yard debris not picked up or left over from normal pickup day. No yard debris was was picked up on Friday, Sept. 22, 2023. The city appears to be stretching out the removal, or "milking the job," to make removal take longer than required.
I have witnessed larger piles of yard debris removed by the city from a Church Street address near the intersection with Calhoun Street on a routine basis.
According to the city website, there is a crew of 15 city employees that daily collects and transports limbs and clippings. I am anxiously awaiting next week's normal pickup day. It's a good thing that Pearl Fryar doesn't live in the City of Sumter.
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