Letter to the editor: An open letter to Sumter school board and community


To: Chairman and trustees of Sumter School District

The Planning Committee of Grace Achievement Center for Excellence Academies Inc. recognizes the diversity of student interests, abilities and aptitudes and accepts the challenge of providing meaningful educational experiences for all students regardless of differences.

The primary goal is to provide an educational opportunity for each pupil to develop to their fullest potential by providing a relevant multi-level program of study and activities and to enable the student to develop social, political and economic competence.

Grace Academies' plan is start by opening a year around All-Boys Middle July 2023. Grace Academies believes our charter school will help increase the quality of education in Sumter County.

We will have a billion-dollar economic impact annually to the county for the next 10 years. We believe our school will help reduce crime in the county.

We are requesting that Sumter School District allow Grace to purchase or lease the Annex building at 220 Hasel St., Sumter, SC 29150. We would like to occupy the building by July 1, 2023. We sent a memo to the former chairperson in October 2022.


Chairperson, Grace Academies'

Planning Committee
