The family of Ava, Aason and Aayden Holliday

The family of Ava, Aason and Aayden Holliday would like to extend our sincere appreciation for the many acts of love, kindness and sympathy during this time of bereavement. Special thanks to the Sumter, South Carolina community, government officials, law enforcement, churches and schools, local businesses, U.S. Army Central, U.S. Army Central/G4, Shaw Air Force Base and Shaw Air Force Base community, Job's Mortuary and many friends and neighbors for their words of comfort, prayers, phone calls, cards, beautiful flowers, text messages, meals delivered daily, many heartfelt gifts in memory of Ava, Aason, and Aayden and many other acts of kindness during this difficult period. Grateful for the Christ Community Church pastor and congregation for opening their doors unconditionally. We felt your love and it strengthened us.

Posted 12/31/1969