Public Notice Wedgefield-Statesburg Water System, 58 Hwy 261 South, Wedgefield, SC 29618 has applied to the South …

Public Notice
Wedgefield-Statesburg Water System, 58 Hwy 261 South, Wedgefield, SC 29618 has applied to the South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control for a Groundwater Withdrawal Permit, under the Groundwater Use and Reporting Act for two (2) proposed water supply well(s) located at approximately N 33.9442167, W -80.5234434, N 33.9433929, W - 80.5247887 in Sumter County, SC. An existing maximum groundwater withdrawal of 101 million gallons per year from the McQueen Branch aquifer has been developed from calculated water use requirements for two (2) water supply well(s). Additional information concerning this application may be obtained from Ashley Carothers by calling (803) 898-4220 or e-mail at SCDHEC invites and will receive comments on the application until July 30, 2024, close of business day, 5:00pm EST. Please submit comments using DHEC's ePermitting webpage ( by navigating to the project and using the "Add Comment" tab at the top of the page. Comments may also be sent to: SCDHEC/Bureau of Water, Attention: Ashley Carothers, 2600 Bull Street, Columbia, SC 29201. Interested parties wishing to be notified of the final permit decision must make comment on the application and make a request to receive notice of the final decision and must provide the SCDHEC with a correct name and mailing address.
Posted 7/2/2024